Day 129

Day 129 - Personal Development


             After a lot of thinking, I have summed up the courage to do something which will either backfire or it will earn me some much needed redemption.  Sometimes, we all have to do things that we know are right, even if they are uncomfortable.  In the end, we cannot control the actions of others, but we hope that they understand our intent and appreciate our honesty and sincerity.

Changing the way I think:

             I have blocked out several portions of my day for reasons of personal privacy.  However, there has been a lot of traveling today on my part.  I spent the day going from place to place, exploring many different possibilities for personal development.  I contacted a lot of people that I have not spoken to for a long time, and attempted to re-establish a relationship.  These are things that I fell behind on, but it's never too late to reconnect, provided the other person wants the relationship.  I also saw someone crash into a wooden pole.  I'm grateful to be healthy and alive.

Dream log:

             This is a new section, where I attempt to jot down notes from my dream.

             I remember seeing the Lady and her son.  We were part of some kind of event where I got to dress up in a funny suit.  I didn't know what it was, but we were following some kind of acting script.  I was acting like Godzilla and he was acting like a smaller creature.  We were making monster noises.  We finished the scene and then proceeded to carry on like another day - we were clearly on vacation and traveled to a movie studio, possibly in Hollywood.

             Some time later, I manage to find myself in my old elementary school, where I see a very familiar face from my childhood.  His name was Robert (I don't remember his last name) and he was always a "big kid", but very nice.  Nonetheless, Robert was in my elementary school as an adult, and he had apparently been stumbling around drunk.  I saw some banners and realized this was a school reunion of some kind, and likely the reason I was there.  I saw a lunch lady / chaperone whom we always called Mrs. K, because her last name was difficult to pronounce.  She was older, but she lost a lot of weight.  Granted, it's been almost 30 years.  I spoke with Mrs. K and we had an extensive conversation about my childhood.  Mrs. K revealed many details that I thought no one else had ever noticed.  She went on to describe many other events of my childhood involving other classmates that I remember, incidents that occurred, and she even named each student that was involved.  At one point we were chatting like old friends.  Remember SK?  Remember N?  I forgot her last name.  Oh her last name was T.  Oh that's right...Remember RK?   Even though it was a dream, I felt I was truly reconnecting with memories of the past.  The green tile walls of the school came into my memory.  The black tiled floor.  The white benches.  The lunch ladies who used the mega phones to get us in line.  I felt like I was a child again.

               I ran into another childhood friend on my way out of the school.  He told me that I was on TV.  I asked him how that was possible, and he said that there was a new Power Rangers movie (I used to like Power Rangers) that was released in theaters.  I said that I knew about the movie already.  He said, a new version was released which included scenes from the acting contest winners.  I looked at the TV screen and sure enough there was me and the Lady's son fighting it out.  The movie editors had added super special effects, dubbed over our voices, and enhanced it as if we were actually part of the movie.   My jaw dropped.

               This is where my dream log ends.  I don't remember much else.

Achievements today:

               1.  Continued incline work out.  Maintained diet.
               2.  Challenged myself after incline work out to walk up to 10000 steps with 5 lb weights in hand.
               3.  Set up a special appointment for myself two weeks.  Will reveal in time.
               4.  Make decision to take on and complete my special personal project.

Images today:

                  Incline only.                                             Incline with walk (same machine)

Schedule today:


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