Day 199

Day 199: 

          I have been searching for answers outside of my usual realm of influence.  I have found that the computer games, social media, and people I mostly talk to are not the ones who will ultimately have the answers I am looking for. 

          Spirituality is something that is not emphasized enough, especially in the first world.  There is more to humanity than science would like us to believe.  Miracles are nothing more than things we have not been able to explain with science.  It is easy to say that our science simply isn't there yet.  What if it is, and mainstream science either refuses to acknowledge it or intentionally inhibits us from exploring it because it exposes more sinister agendas?

          I'd like to share a quote I found today:
          "It's only when we realize what the betrayals and broken promises of our past have shown us that we gain the wisdom and skills that allow us to heal the patterns and move on in life."


          I encourage everyone to set a path for themselves to get to the answers they are looking for.

          I had to go sit in a bookstore for 3-4 afternoons reading a textbook before I realized how distracting the computer in my room is.

          I had to stop self-pleasure for 30 days to realize how much sexual temptation exists out there in the world to distract us.

          I had to stop listening to the radio to and from work to realize to appreciate silence.

          I had to take rest days from my exercise routine before I realized how much pain I was in.

          I had to attempt to be something I was not in order to realize what I truly am.

          We can want and say anything we want, but it is what we do or don't do that matters.

          We all make mistakes. 

          How many times will we repeat our mistakes?  When will we learn to conquer and move on?

          Our imperfection makes us human and beautiful.

          We all move at our own pace, so I encourage everyone not to settle for stagnancy.

          If you get left behind, and it will be harder to catch up...

          But let me remind everyone...

          When you lose everything, you have nothing else to lose and everything to gain.


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