Day 130
Day 130 - Dreams
I have always had very vivid dreams. I remember them when I wake up. I am a believer that dreams affect our lives in more ways than mainstream science would like to acknowledge. They've been an important part of my life, because I would dream of things before they happened. I've dreamed of people that I later met in life who made me feel like I've always known them. When I was a child, the dreams were a lot more lucid, but I also had childhood innocence. Nowadays, the dreams and their meanings aren't always clear. My negative experiences (pain, trauma, hurt) have undoubtedly caused me to throw my guard up with doubt and skepticism toward anything I see in the dream world.
Dream Log:
8/25/2018 MORNING:
I was on a journey. I sailed on ships. I spoke with merchants in ports and traded with them. I traveled across deserts with a camels and nomadic tribes. I slept on sheepskin mats and drank out of wineskins (bota bags). I rode horses though fields of green. The horses weren't always the same color, and the terrain wasn't always flat.
I saw these images in a flash, and it was clear that I had been on this journey for some time. When everything slowed down, I began to see "more recent" events. I had sneaked into a palace of Islamic architecture. I was not a violent person, but my mission was more important than anything else. I moved swiftly through the shadows, hiding in convenient locations and eavesdropping on the conversations of guards. Most of their conversations were meaningless drivel to me, as if I had selective hearing - I literally heard unintelligible sounds. Only certain words were picked up, such as "traveler", "guest", and "room at the far end of the royal quarters". I was looking for a palace guest.
I made my way to the specified area and saw guards standing by the door. Whoever this guest was, they were important. I had prepared for this moment, with bags of explosive material. From a corner, I lit a bag and threw it toward the door before going back around the corner and covering my ears. I heard the guards begin to exclaim something before a loud bang blasted both of them to the side and warped the door permanently. I walked past the guards and went into the room, where I found the palace guest - a old man shrouded in rags. He had a grey beard and was missing teeth. He was also missing his right eye, which was covered.
"I knew you would come," the old man said.
"I know not who you are, but I know I was called here," I said.
"My name is Aln. You must hurry and go,"
"Why am I here? I've been traveling all of my life without a purpose, but I know it has to do with this moment."
"You are part of a great destiny which has been written before the time of the stars. Now you must go and take the ring from the prince."
"You should know that I am not a thief," I protested.
"The ring has been plundered and stolen time and time again. Close your eyes and concentrate. You will understand. That ring is meant to be yours and yours alone."
I closed my eyes and relaxed my mind. I saw nothing but darkness. As I began to concentrate, I could see clouds within the darkness. As I focused more, the clouds began to fade away like blurred vision clearing up. It was then that I saw the ring - it was a gold colored ring with a sapphire stone and a faded inscription. I saw its history of bloodshed. People killed and died for this ring. Cities were burned and villages slaughtered. It was the cause of many wars through the ages. It was used long ago for something very very special, but it has long since been forgotten. Now it has lost its true value. It is seen simply as a piece of jewelry passed on from generation to generation as a family heirloom.
As I opened my eyes, I did not see Aln anymore, only a raven with its back turned to me. The raven crowed and flew out the window. I listened to the crow and thought I heard a whisper in my mind, "I will wait for you where all waters meet at the edge of the world, before the final chasm at the world's end."
The next part was fast again. I saw myself dash through the palace, seemingly empowered with other worldly strength. Guards came at me, but I already knew what they would do and stayed many steps ahead of them. I disarmed guards, took their scimitars, cut away their crossbows, and left them dazed and bewildered. Many stood in disbelief and fear at what I had done, for I had killed no one yet disabled them all. I walked past them into the royal harem where I saw a prince in a jeweled turban frolicking with his women. The women began to scream when they saw me enter with weapons. I ignored their cries and walked up to the half-dressed prince who backed away in fear. I looked him in the eye and pointed to the ring with my weapon drawn. He began to protest. I didn't know what he was saying, and I didn't care. I held out my hand and gestured for him to give me the ring. As he continued to protest, I draw the scimitar. I gazed into his eyes, and he began to understand that it was either the ring or the ring with his finger or hand - and that I didn't care. He grabbed the ring off his finger, threw it on the bed and ran away with the harem women out of the room.
I picked up the ring and gazed at it. It was just as I imagined it, a gold ring ring with a sapphire and a faded inscription. I attempted to clean it with a bit of spit, but the inscription would not come back. Perhaps it was me, but I felt that the ring was vibrating, possibly emitting a low hum. It was a ring full of energy, and possibly tainted with dark yet familiar magic. I was suddenly filled with a memory which clouded my vision.
I suddenly remembered back in a seaport some time ago, I had seen a merchant carrying a small solid box with inscriptions I could not understand. The box was strangely durable, yet not made of any familiar material to me. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it. I traded all of my prized possessions for it, and merchant wanted more. I remember going out to the desert with the nomads to meet their tribal leader and settle a debt with the merchant. They attempted to kill me and I disabled the leader's personal bodyguards. I told him I was not here to draw blood, but to settle a debt. It was then that it was revealed that the merchant had tricked the clan leader out of a lot of treasure, hence the hostility toward me. I asked the clan leader to give me the debt payment. I promised he would have it back and that I would teach the merchant a lesson. He looked me in the eye and saw I was trustworthy. He told his people to send me back with an entourage of camels and carts of lavish jewelry.
I returned into port with the entourage to the merchant's shop. His eyes glistened as he saw the treasure I had returned with. He happily gave me the box and was about to take all of his treasure when I stopped him and told him that he had to return the treasure. He immediately became upset and demanded to know why. I told him that I was not here for a mission of diplomacy, but the clan leader had explained to me their past dealings with the merchant, and the merchant was definitely wrong to exploit others.
The merchant began to explain his actions with careful vocabulary and shrewd justifications. He basically said that the clan leader was inept at business and took a bad deal. I told the merchant that I knew a lot about bad deals, especially this deal where I was about to trade camels and carts of jewelry a small box. I made it clear to the merchant that he could keep my belongings, but he would not be able to keep the camels and jewelry. Not only that, he would send these things back with a declaration that the debt between him and the clan leader was cleared.
He laughed and asked me if I knew who he was and how many people he knew who would come and protect him. I told him the only way for him to have the camels and jewelry would be if we settled this in a public battle for all eyes to see. I told him he could call all of his friends to come and defend him, since he was incapable of defending himself. I saw in his eyes that he was proud and arrogant, but also not exactly the most trustworthy person. I saw that even though he had "connections", they were with business people who didn't exactly like how he did business, especially when he exploited them on deals. He shook his finger at me as he backed away, "You just wait! I will get someone!!!!"
By this point, a crowd had gathered to see what was going on. I announced to everyone what was going on. I made it clear that anyone who got in the way would be cut down.
The merchant returned with a gang of pirates who had just come off a ship. The merchant was tugging the pirate leader like a small child asking their big brother to help with a bully. It was a pathetic sight to see. The pirate leader came up to me and said, "My friend here says that you're trying to rip him off."
"Your friend makes a living off of ripping others off."
The pirate leader laughed, "There is truth in that, but right now we owe him some money and he wants us to get rid of you. So we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Nothing personal, but this is business."
I looked at his people. Most of them were built and hardened sea dogs. "You have a fine crew, sir. I would hate to hurt them. My offer to you is that if you call off your sea dogs, I promise not to hurt your crew and damage your plundering potential."
The pirate leader laughed again.
"Are you sure you're good enough to be making remarks like that?"
"Send me your best, and I will show you," I said with a smile.
The pirate leader eyed me over, looking closely at my clothing and the contraptions I carried on my belt.
"Well, you are something else. But we don't back down from a fight."
"If it's a fight you want, I've got it, but the longer we fight, the more of your crew is going to get hurt. So think about what I am saying," I said as I stepped into the middle of the town square.
I extended my arms with palms facing the sky, and I said to the pirate leader, "I am ready. Send me your best."
The pirate leader laughed. I could tell he was taken aback by my confidence, but he still had his pride to keep since everyone was watching. "You heard him boys!" he said.
I heard the cries and yells of men coming at me from all directions, but I had already known this would be coming. I had already foreseen everything, as if this had happened already. I took out a pouch of gunpowder, lit it, and threw it behind myself without looking back as I ran forward. I drew my weapons, what appeared to be metal claws and I could feel a surge of other worldly strength as I knew I would win.
I blinked and I was back in the harem. I was staring at the ring. I took out the inscribed box and slipped the ring into it before closing it shut. It was now time to leave the palace, as I heard the alarms sounding and the sound of armed guards coming toward me. I ran toward the window and jumped out without hesitation. Everything had been foreseen and was planned ahead of time. I knew I would be okay.
I have matters to tend to, so I will update this later.
8/25/2018 EVENING:
I landed in the water and swam along the rocky shore. I reached a covered object and removed its cover to reveal a raft with a sail, which I had prepared ahead of time. I climbed aboard, got my paddle, and set myself adrift into the darkness, away from the castle where I could still hear people yelling. I paddled into the darkness, guided only by the moonlight and the stars.
Things move fast again, but I could see myself passing through cities again. I found myself passing taking a shortcut through the dungeons of a castle when I saw a young woman being dragged in by imperial soldiers clad in armor. She looked to me with pale blue eyes and whispered, "I knew you would come for me." I don't remember how but I saved her and she came with me. We traveled together across the desert. I saw the nomad clan leader again, who assisted us with camels and supplies. We traveled up mountains covered in snow and slept huddled together in tents to stay warm. Her name is was Marise, and our relationship was that of traveling partners, nothing more. We were close, but it was always understood we were simply fated to share the same mission, and I harbored no desires for her. She was like a long lost sister or twin.
We traveled and fought off the many assassins who came for me, trying to seize the ring. She was a fierce and loyal bodyguard who guarded me with her life, as she said, "It is destiny for you to save me, and now it is my destiny to give my life for you."
We traveled until it seemed we hit a point where all that was left was the ocean. We loaded up on supplies, purchased a boat, and began paddling toward the sunset. We paddled and paddled until we observed an anomaly an invisible wall that forced water to go toward a certain direction, with nothing but darkness beyond the wall itself. We let the water carry us along the invisible wall until we saw a final strip of land. There was not much on it, except a hut. However, there were many other boats docked at this piece of land. Marise and I docked the boat and entered the hut to find there were a group of other men there, keeping warm by the fire. They looked up at us, and then went back to staying silent. It was here that I saw Aln again. He was no longer in rags. Now he was dressed in ritual garments like a priest. He was still missing teeth and his right eye.
"And so you have come." Aln said.
"So this is the edge of the world?" I said.
Aln motioned for me to follow and I went with him. Marise followed along quietly. We walked through the next rooms of the hut and out the back door, where Aln showed me that after this piece of land, the water flowed off into the unknown. Everything beyond the drop was pure darkness. It was a sight unlike anything I had ever seen before.
"This is the final chasm at the world's end. If you go beyond, then you leave this realm and never return," Aln said.
"But the water carries us only in one direction, Aln. It is toward the chasm, and the water never stops. That means that the world is constantly losing part of itself into this chasm," I said.
"Yes. That is true. Many unfortunate souls who get lost at sea end up in the chasm without realizing it, if they stay alive long enough. All things in the ocean eventually end up here," Aln said.
I took out the inscribed box, opened it, and pulled out the ring. I notice now that the faded inscription has returned, and now it is in the Zodiac symbol of Gemini.
"Marise showed me that the inscription is activated by drops of my blood," I said.
"It is activated by your blood because you are born of its sign," Aln said.
"Why did you bring me here? How are we supposed to go back?" I asked.
"This is where your destiny lies. You were brought here for a reason, like the other twelve," Aln said.
"How come there are thirteen? There are only twelve Zodiac signs," I said.
Aln took a stick and began to draw in the sand. He drew four triangles and put a dot in the center of each one. "There are four triads, each of which form a pillar."
He then took the stick and drew a dot in the center of the square formed by the dots at the center of the four triangles. "The final pillar is the missing zodiac sign. When the five pillars are complete, the elements of metal, gold, fire, water, and earth will finally align and the new age will begin."
I shook my head. "Aln, I don't really understand."
"You are all here bearing rings. Each of you will represent your Zodiac signs. You will wear the rings, and then you will bring about the destiny of this world," Aln said.
"What will happen? Are we going to die?" I asked.
Aln shrugged. "I don't know what will happen. Perhaps you will all fight each other to the death. Perhaps you will all die. Perhaps nothing will happen. Either way, you must all wear your rings."
"And what if we don't?" I asked.
"You are at the edge of the world. Where are you going to go?" Aln asked as he walked away.
Marise came up to me and said, "I am with you. Whatever happens when you put that thing on, I'll protect you with my life."
"Thank you, Marise. I don't know what is left, but if you need to save yourself at any point, do not hesitate to do so," I said.
"My life was yours when you saved me. In truth, I should call you Master," she said.
"No. Let us not speak of such things," I said. "We have been through so much. You were never beneath me, always my equal."
Aln gathered the thirteen of us in a circle and began to chat in an unfamiliar language.
"When I call your sign, you will put on your ring," Aln said before continuing to chat.
"Aquarius!" Aln called his voice echoed through the hut and sent chills down my back.
A small man put his ring on, and began to scream in agony as the ring began to fuse itself into his finger. I could see immediate hesitation from the other men.
A tall man put his ring on. Nothing happened to him. He began to laugh when suddenly he fainted away.
Another tall man slid his ring on. As he did, his pale skin began to turn dark, as if he was becoming corrupted with some kind of internal poison. He let out a bloodcurdling scream.
A medium sized man put his ring on. Everyone looked on to see what would happen, but he said he felt fine. There was nothing special about his ring.
It was finally my turn. I looked at the ring and I looked at Marise.
"I am with you. If anything happens, I will find you in the next life," she said.
I slid the ring on, and everything faded to darkness.
Then I woke up.
Images today:
Incline only. Walk after incline.

Schedule today:
I have always had very vivid dreams. I remember them when I wake up. I am a believer that dreams affect our lives in more ways than mainstream science would like to acknowledge. They've been an important part of my life, because I would dream of things before they happened. I've dreamed of people that I later met in life who made me feel like I've always known them. When I was a child, the dreams were a lot more lucid, but I also had childhood innocence. Nowadays, the dreams and their meanings aren't always clear. My negative experiences (pain, trauma, hurt) have undoubtedly caused me to throw my guard up with doubt and skepticism toward anything I see in the dream world.
Dream Log:
8/25/2018 MORNING:
I was on a journey. I sailed on ships. I spoke with merchants in ports and traded with them. I traveled across deserts with a camels and nomadic tribes. I slept on sheepskin mats and drank out of wineskins (bota bags). I rode horses though fields of green. The horses weren't always the same color, and the terrain wasn't always flat.
I saw these images in a flash, and it was clear that I had been on this journey for some time. When everything slowed down, I began to see "more recent" events. I had sneaked into a palace of Islamic architecture. I was not a violent person, but my mission was more important than anything else. I moved swiftly through the shadows, hiding in convenient locations and eavesdropping on the conversations of guards. Most of their conversations were meaningless drivel to me, as if I had selective hearing - I literally heard unintelligible sounds. Only certain words were picked up, such as "traveler", "guest", and "room at the far end of the royal quarters". I was looking for a palace guest.
I made my way to the specified area and saw guards standing by the door. Whoever this guest was, they were important. I had prepared for this moment, with bags of explosive material. From a corner, I lit a bag and threw it toward the door before going back around the corner and covering my ears. I heard the guards begin to exclaim something before a loud bang blasted both of them to the side and warped the door permanently. I walked past the guards and went into the room, where I found the palace guest - a old man shrouded in rags. He had a grey beard and was missing teeth. He was also missing his right eye, which was covered.
"I knew you would come," the old man said.
"I know not who you are, but I know I was called here," I said.
"My name is Aln. You must hurry and go,"
"Why am I here? I've been traveling all of my life without a purpose, but I know it has to do with this moment."
"You are part of a great destiny which has been written before the time of the stars. Now you must go and take the ring from the prince."
"You should know that I am not a thief," I protested.
"The ring has been plundered and stolen time and time again. Close your eyes and concentrate. You will understand. That ring is meant to be yours and yours alone."
I closed my eyes and relaxed my mind. I saw nothing but darkness. As I began to concentrate, I could see clouds within the darkness. As I focused more, the clouds began to fade away like blurred vision clearing up. It was then that I saw the ring - it was a gold colored ring with a sapphire stone and a faded inscription. I saw its history of bloodshed. People killed and died for this ring. Cities were burned and villages slaughtered. It was the cause of many wars through the ages. It was used long ago for something very very special, but it has long since been forgotten. Now it has lost its true value. It is seen simply as a piece of jewelry passed on from generation to generation as a family heirloom.
As I opened my eyes, I did not see Aln anymore, only a raven with its back turned to me. The raven crowed and flew out the window. I listened to the crow and thought I heard a whisper in my mind, "I will wait for you where all waters meet at the edge of the world, before the final chasm at the world's end."
The next part was fast again. I saw myself dash through the palace, seemingly empowered with other worldly strength. Guards came at me, but I already knew what they would do and stayed many steps ahead of them. I disarmed guards, took their scimitars, cut away their crossbows, and left them dazed and bewildered. Many stood in disbelief and fear at what I had done, for I had killed no one yet disabled them all. I walked past them into the royal harem where I saw a prince in a jeweled turban frolicking with his women. The women began to scream when they saw me enter with weapons. I ignored their cries and walked up to the half-dressed prince who backed away in fear. I looked him in the eye and pointed to the ring with my weapon drawn. He began to protest. I didn't know what he was saying, and I didn't care. I held out my hand and gestured for him to give me the ring. As he continued to protest, I draw the scimitar. I gazed into his eyes, and he began to understand that it was either the ring or the ring with his finger or hand - and that I didn't care. He grabbed the ring off his finger, threw it on the bed and ran away with the harem women out of the room.
I picked up the ring and gazed at it. It was just as I imagined it, a gold ring ring with a sapphire and a faded inscription. I attempted to clean it with a bit of spit, but the inscription would not come back. Perhaps it was me, but I felt that the ring was vibrating, possibly emitting a low hum. It was a ring full of energy, and possibly tainted with dark yet familiar magic. I was suddenly filled with a memory which clouded my vision.
I suddenly remembered back in a seaport some time ago, I had seen a merchant carrying a small solid box with inscriptions I could not understand. The box was strangely durable, yet not made of any familiar material to me. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it. I traded all of my prized possessions for it, and merchant wanted more. I remember going out to the desert with the nomads to meet their tribal leader and settle a debt with the merchant. They attempted to kill me and I disabled the leader's personal bodyguards. I told him I was not here to draw blood, but to settle a debt. It was then that it was revealed that the merchant had tricked the clan leader out of a lot of treasure, hence the hostility toward me. I asked the clan leader to give me the debt payment. I promised he would have it back and that I would teach the merchant a lesson. He looked me in the eye and saw I was trustworthy. He told his people to send me back with an entourage of camels and carts of lavish jewelry.
I returned into port with the entourage to the merchant's shop. His eyes glistened as he saw the treasure I had returned with. He happily gave me the box and was about to take all of his treasure when I stopped him and told him that he had to return the treasure. He immediately became upset and demanded to know why. I told him that I was not here for a mission of diplomacy, but the clan leader had explained to me their past dealings with the merchant, and the merchant was definitely wrong to exploit others.
The merchant began to explain his actions with careful vocabulary and shrewd justifications. He basically said that the clan leader was inept at business and took a bad deal. I told the merchant that I knew a lot about bad deals, especially this deal where I was about to trade camels and carts of jewelry a small box. I made it clear to the merchant that he could keep my belongings, but he would not be able to keep the camels and jewelry. Not only that, he would send these things back with a declaration that the debt between him and the clan leader was cleared.
He laughed and asked me if I knew who he was and how many people he knew who would come and protect him. I told him the only way for him to have the camels and jewelry would be if we settled this in a public battle for all eyes to see. I told him he could call all of his friends to come and defend him, since he was incapable of defending himself. I saw in his eyes that he was proud and arrogant, but also not exactly the most trustworthy person. I saw that even though he had "connections", they were with business people who didn't exactly like how he did business, especially when he exploited them on deals. He shook his finger at me as he backed away, "You just wait! I will get someone!!!!"
By this point, a crowd had gathered to see what was going on. I announced to everyone what was going on. I made it clear that anyone who got in the way would be cut down.
The merchant returned with a gang of pirates who had just come off a ship. The merchant was tugging the pirate leader like a small child asking their big brother to help with a bully. It was a pathetic sight to see. The pirate leader came up to me and said, "My friend here says that you're trying to rip him off."
"Your friend makes a living off of ripping others off."
The pirate leader laughed, "There is truth in that, but right now we owe him some money and he wants us to get rid of you. So we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Nothing personal, but this is business."
I looked at his people. Most of them were built and hardened sea dogs. "You have a fine crew, sir. I would hate to hurt them. My offer to you is that if you call off your sea dogs, I promise not to hurt your crew and damage your plundering potential."
The pirate leader laughed again.
"Are you sure you're good enough to be making remarks like that?"
"Send me your best, and I will show you," I said with a smile.
The pirate leader eyed me over, looking closely at my clothing and the contraptions I carried on my belt.
"Well, you are something else. But we don't back down from a fight."
"If it's a fight you want, I've got it, but the longer we fight, the more of your crew is going to get hurt. So think about what I am saying," I said as I stepped into the middle of the town square.
I extended my arms with palms facing the sky, and I said to the pirate leader, "I am ready. Send me your best."
The pirate leader laughed. I could tell he was taken aback by my confidence, but he still had his pride to keep since everyone was watching. "You heard him boys!" he said.
I heard the cries and yells of men coming at me from all directions, but I had already known this would be coming. I had already foreseen everything, as if this had happened already. I took out a pouch of gunpowder, lit it, and threw it behind myself without looking back as I ran forward. I drew my weapons, what appeared to be metal claws and I could feel a surge of other worldly strength as I knew I would win.
I blinked and I was back in the harem. I was staring at the ring. I took out the inscribed box and slipped the ring into it before closing it shut. It was now time to leave the palace, as I heard the alarms sounding and the sound of armed guards coming toward me. I ran toward the window and jumped out without hesitation. Everything had been foreseen and was planned ahead of time. I knew I would be okay.
I have matters to tend to, so I will update this later.
8/25/2018 EVENING:
I landed in the water and swam along the rocky shore. I reached a covered object and removed its cover to reveal a raft with a sail, which I had prepared ahead of time. I climbed aboard, got my paddle, and set myself adrift into the darkness, away from the castle where I could still hear people yelling. I paddled into the darkness, guided only by the moonlight and the stars.
Things move fast again, but I could see myself passing through cities again. I found myself passing taking a shortcut through the dungeons of a castle when I saw a young woman being dragged in by imperial soldiers clad in armor. She looked to me with pale blue eyes and whispered, "I knew you would come for me." I don't remember how but I saved her and she came with me. We traveled together across the desert. I saw the nomad clan leader again, who assisted us with camels and supplies. We traveled up mountains covered in snow and slept huddled together in tents to stay warm. Her name is was Marise, and our relationship was that of traveling partners, nothing more. We were close, but it was always understood we were simply fated to share the same mission, and I harbored no desires for her. She was like a long lost sister or twin.
We traveled and fought off the many assassins who came for me, trying to seize the ring. She was a fierce and loyal bodyguard who guarded me with her life, as she said, "It is destiny for you to save me, and now it is my destiny to give my life for you."
We traveled until it seemed we hit a point where all that was left was the ocean. We loaded up on supplies, purchased a boat, and began paddling toward the sunset. We paddled and paddled until we observed an anomaly an invisible wall that forced water to go toward a certain direction, with nothing but darkness beyond the wall itself. We let the water carry us along the invisible wall until we saw a final strip of land. There was not much on it, except a hut. However, there were many other boats docked at this piece of land. Marise and I docked the boat and entered the hut to find there were a group of other men there, keeping warm by the fire. They looked up at us, and then went back to staying silent. It was here that I saw Aln again. He was no longer in rags. Now he was dressed in ritual garments like a priest. He was still missing teeth and his right eye.
"And so you have come." Aln said.
"So this is the edge of the world?" I said.
Aln motioned for me to follow and I went with him. Marise followed along quietly. We walked through the next rooms of the hut and out the back door, where Aln showed me that after this piece of land, the water flowed off into the unknown. Everything beyond the drop was pure darkness. It was a sight unlike anything I had ever seen before.
"This is the final chasm at the world's end. If you go beyond, then you leave this realm and never return," Aln said.
"But the water carries us only in one direction, Aln. It is toward the chasm, and the water never stops. That means that the world is constantly losing part of itself into this chasm," I said.
"Yes. That is true. Many unfortunate souls who get lost at sea end up in the chasm without realizing it, if they stay alive long enough. All things in the ocean eventually end up here," Aln said.
I took out the inscribed box, opened it, and pulled out the ring. I notice now that the faded inscription has returned, and now it is in the Zodiac symbol of Gemini.
"Marise showed me that the inscription is activated by drops of my blood," I said.
"It is activated by your blood because you are born of its sign," Aln said.
"Why did you bring me here? How are we supposed to go back?" I asked.
"This is where your destiny lies. You were brought here for a reason, like the other twelve," Aln said.
"How come there are thirteen? There are only twelve Zodiac signs," I said.
Aln took a stick and began to draw in the sand. He drew four triangles and put a dot in the center of each one. "There are four triads, each of which form a pillar."
He then took the stick and drew a dot in the center of the square formed by the dots at the center of the four triangles. "The final pillar is the missing zodiac sign. When the five pillars are complete, the elements of metal, gold, fire, water, and earth will finally align and the new age will begin."
I shook my head. "Aln, I don't really understand."
"You are all here bearing rings. Each of you will represent your Zodiac signs. You will wear the rings, and then you will bring about the destiny of this world," Aln said.
"What will happen? Are we going to die?" I asked.
Aln shrugged. "I don't know what will happen. Perhaps you will all fight each other to the death. Perhaps you will all die. Perhaps nothing will happen. Either way, you must all wear your rings."
"And what if we don't?" I asked.
"You are at the edge of the world. Where are you going to go?" Aln asked as he walked away.
Marise came up to me and said, "I am with you. Whatever happens when you put that thing on, I'll protect you with my life."
"Thank you, Marise. I don't know what is left, but if you need to save yourself at any point, do not hesitate to do so," I said.
"My life was yours when you saved me. In truth, I should call you Master," she said.
"No. Let us not speak of such things," I said. "We have been through so much. You were never beneath me, always my equal."
Aln gathered the thirteen of us in a circle and began to chat in an unfamiliar language.
"When I call your sign, you will put on your ring," Aln said before continuing to chat.
"Aquarius!" Aln called his voice echoed through the hut and sent chills down my back.
A small man put his ring on, and began to scream in agony as the ring began to fuse itself into his finger. I could see immediate hesitation from the other men.
A tall man put his ring on. Nothing happened to him. He began to laugh when suddenly he fainted away.
Another tall man slid his ring on. As he did, his pale skin began to turn dark, as if he was becoming corrupted with some kind of internal poison. He let out a bloodcurdling scream.
A medium sized man put his ring on. Everyone looked on to see what would happen, but he said he felt fine. There was nothing special about his ring.
It was finally my turn. I looked at the ring and I looked at Marise.
"I am with you. If anything happens, I will find you in the next life," she said.
I slid the ring on, and everything faded to darkness.
Then I woke up.
Changing the way I think:
I spoke extensively with my mother and she understands there is an internal battle going on in my mind. She wants to help me, but all she ends up doing is telling me about Buddhist scriptures. I keep telling her that religious teachings from masters who preach will not help me in this matter. After a long conversation with her, we began to discuss dreams and my recent concerns. My father does not believe in any of these things and said I was wasting time with absolute nonsense. I told my parents that I have never believed in any of these things in my life before, but it seems that "something" is catching up with me now, and that I have already seen it in my dreams that it will be conquered within months. I am fortunate I have at least one parent who believes me.
Spirituality is not easy to explain, and it isn't just simply "choosing to believe". Many people believe different things for their own reasons. Being an atheist most of my life, I have found in recent years that I am in fact spiritual, and fairly certain that things beyond our physical realm do exist. It's just generally very uncomfortable to discuss these things with people who don't have open minds.
I decided to cut the grass in my yard which had grown almost 2 feet. I found that there were spider's nests and ant's nest within my shed, so I had to start with clearing all of that out. I then attacked the grass with my battery powered mower, which was more than capable of doing the job. Unfortunately, the battery only has enough charge to last 40 minutes, and due to the grass being so tall, it took a bit longer to cut everything. As a result, the battery ran out of juice and I had to recharge it. I took a rest and attempted to complete the job with a partial charge as the sun set, but it was not enough.
I was invited to a party at night with my roommate, so we went out to eastern PA. They had food, but I couldn't eat any of it due to my diet. I drank 5 bottles of water and socialized with the people there. I had a good time, but unfortunately it was not the crowd I would normally enjoy hanging out with. It is likely I will never see most of those people again. Still, it was nice to get out.
Achievements today:
1. Continued incline work out. Maintained diet. Walked to 10000 steps with 5 lb weights.
2. Spoke extensively with parents and came to an understanding with at least one.
3. Went out and socialized.
I spoke extensively with my mother and she understands there is an internal battle going on in my mind. She wants to help me, but all she ends up doing is telling me about Buddhist scriptures. I keep telling her that religious teachings from masters who preach will not help me in this matter. After a long conversation with her, we began to discuss dreams and my recent concerns. My father does not believe in any of these things and said I was wasting time with absolute nonsense. I told my parents that I have never believed in any of these things in my life before, but it seems that "something" is catching up with me now, and that I have already seen it in my dreams that it will be conquered within months. I am fortunate I have at least one parent who believes me.
Spirituality is not easy to explain, and it isn't just simply "choosing to believe". Many people believe different things for their own reasons. Being an atheist most of my life, I have found in recent years that I am in fact spiritual, and fairly certain that things beyond our physical realm do exist. It's just generally very uncomfortable to discuss these things with people who don't have open minds.
I decided to cut the grass in my yard which had grown almost 2 feet. I found that there were spider's nests and ant's nest within my shed, so I had to start with clearing all of that out. I then attacked the grass with my battery powered mower, which was more than capable of doing the job. Unfortunately, the battery only has enough charge to last 40 minutes, and due to the grass being so tall, it took a bit longer to cut everything. As a result, the battery ran out of juice and I had to recharge it. I took a rest and attempted to complete the job with a partial charge as the sun set, but it was not enough.
I was invited to a party at night with my roommate, so we went out to eastern PA. They had food, but I couldn't eat any of it due to my diet. I drank 5 bottles of water and socialized with the people there. I had a good time, but unfortunately it was not the crowd I would normally enjoy hanging out with. It is likely I will never see most of those people again. Still, it was nice to get out.
Achievements today:
1. Continued incline work out. Maintained diet. Walked to 10000 steps with 5 lb weights.
2. Spoke extensively with parents and came to an understanding with at least one.
3. Went out and socialized.
Images today:
Incline only. Walk after incline.
Schedule today:
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