Day 132-134
Day 132-134 - Conciseness
I have been busy working.
Dream Log:
I remember fragments of my dreams.
Day 132: Dreamed of getting lost in a cave. There are many stalagmites and stalactites. I believe we were looking for an underground world called Agartha. Dreams of being sold as a slave and taken to a world ruled by horse-headed humanoids.
Day 133: A sudden large explosion triggers panic in the city as fire alarms all start sounding simultaneously and people run around screaming frantically in fear of a terrorist attack. An angry mob of people decide to group up and fend for themselves, cutting down anyone who gets in their way of escape. Their desperation and fervor turns into bloodlust with the more people who get hurt or killed and soon there is a rampaging mob destroying shop windows and flipping cars. The mayor of the city declares a state of emergency, as the angry mob manages to outnumber and overtake even riot police in full gear. They end up capturing the mayor and publicly humiliating him by forcing him to strip naked. The mob elect a leader who cries out "ANARCHY" as they continue to pillage the city.
I wake up from this dream. I turn on the A/C because it's too hot. I go back to bed.
I re-enter the dream as a sniper. My mission is to take out the mob leader. When a new leader is elected, my job is to take him out. I am to move around from building to building like Spiderman. I am able to successfully eliminate a number of these leaders before a new masked leader emerges. The voice is familiar and I can't take the shot. The dispatch from my radio orders me to take the shot or I become the next target. I throw away the gun and run. The hunter has become the hunted as I wake up.
Day 134: I slept well. I dreamed I was sleeping on a hammock that was floating on the ocean, rocking me gently back and forth without throwing me into the water. That's all I remember.
Images today:
These will be updated in the near future.
Incline only. Walk after incline.
Schedule today:
I have been busy working.
Dream Log:
I remember fragments of my dreams.
Day 132: Dreamed of getting lost in a cave. There are many stalagmites and stalactites. I believe we were looking for an underground world called Agartha. Dreams of being sold as a slave and taken to a world ruled by horse-headed humanoids.
Day 133: A sudden large explosion triggers panic in the city as fire alarms all start sounding simultaneously and people run around screaming frantically in fear of a terrorist attack. An angry mob of people decide to group up and fend for themselves, cutting down anyone who gets in their way of escape. Their desperation and fervor turns into bloodlust with the more people who get hurt or killed and soon there is a rampaging mob destroying shop windows and flipping cars. The mayor of the city declares a state of emergency, as the angry mob manages to outnumber and overtake even riot police in full gear. They end up capturing the mayor and publicly humiliating him by forcing him to strip naked. The mob elect a leader who cries out "ANARCHY" as they continue to pillage the city.
I wake up from this dream. I turn on the A/C because it's too hot. I go back to bed.
I re-enter the dream as a sniper. My mission is to take out the mob leader. When a new leader is elected, my job is to take him out. I am to move around from building to building like Spiderman. I am able to successfully eliminate a number of these leaders before a new masked leader emerges. The voice is familiar and I can't take the shot. The dispatch from my radio orders me to take the shot or I become the next target. I throw away the gun and run. The hunter has become the hunted as I wake up.
Day 134: I slept well. I dreamed I was sleeping on a hammock that was floating on the ocean, rocking me gently back and forth without throwing me into the water. That's all I remember.
Changing the way I think:
Days go by fast.
Every day is what we make of it.
We can choose to have good days and see things in a positive light.
We can also choose to have bad days and complain.
I work. I stay late. I come home. I work out. I stick to my meal plan.
I feel unstoppable.
Weekends are my time to prepare.
The week is when I go full speed ahead.
Some days I come home and I feel like taking a rest day.
So far, I haven't stopped.
Push it to the limit, right?
Achievements today:
1. Maintained new incline work out. Maintained new Week 2 diet. Most days I am working so much that 10000 steps does not require more time on the treadmill.
Days go by fast.
Every day is what we make of it.
We can choose to have good days and see things in a positive light.
We can also choose to have bad days and complain.
I work. I stay late. I come home. I work out. I stick to my meal plan.
I feel unstoppable.
Weekends are my time to prepare.
The week is when I go full speed ahead.
Some days I come home and I feel like taking a rest day.
So far, I haven't stopped.
Push it to the limit, right?
1. Maintained new incline work out. Maintained new Week 2 diet. Most days I am working so much that 10000 steps does not require more time on the treadmill.
Images today:
These will be updated in the near future.
Incline only. Walk after incline.
Schedule today:
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